VCU Health

VCU Call Center

MERGE works with a growing internal VCU Health marketing team to identify key stakeholders within the organization who would have insight and influence to ensure Marketing is seen as a strategic asset within the organization, and not simply as a service department.

VCU Health Call Center doctor nurse


  • Business and technology strategy

  • Creative communications and design

  • Website strategy and development

  • Creative communications and design

  • SEO and voice search optimization

  • Powerful 3rd party integrations driving ROI

  • Digital creative campaign concepting

  • Enterprise ASP NET development

  • Custome eTool and applications

  • API and mobile app development

  • Alignment of workflows with business processes through Salesforce CRM

  • Governance and staff consulting

  • Business intelligence strategy and dashboard design


Elevating the perception of Marketing's role in operational efficiency, patient acquisition and access.

Produce cost-effective digital campaigns and provide end-to-end visibility into user behavior through their journey from conversion, through the call center.


The resulting campaign configurator tool aligns with a custom call center application, utilizes the workflows for numerous VCU Health Call Centers and provides improved tracking, including top of the funnel traffic and real lifetime value measurement, while integrating directly into the Salesforce CRM.


-Collaboration with patient access center (PAC), IT, telecomm

-6 call centers

-Unique workflows

-Increased investment externally while increasing internal team and capabilities


MERGE works with a growing internal VCU Health marketing team to identify key stakeholders within the organization who would have insight and influence to ensure Marketing is seen as a strategic asset within the organization, and not simply as a service department.



reduction in the time spent developing campaigns using the Campaign Configurator which lead to a decrease in overall cost of 50% for the fiscal year.


different call centers implemented the application and tracking workflows and increased visibility and insights in Salesforce leading to true attribution.

VCU Health Call Center laptop and mobile

Technology Solutions to Enable Progress

Campaign configurator to provide component-based landing page development, Call center tool designed to accommodate operational workflows, Salesforce CRM integration and automation.

VCU Health Call Center laptop and mobile eMI

Call center tool designed to accommodate custom operational workflows

Black Awareness Engagement Operations Attribution

Our Experience